Dead Broke Rekerds


Iron Chic / Toys That Kill "Split"


Originally released in 2018, Dead Broke Rekerds presented a split for the ages. Iron Chic brought forth four songs taken straight off the cutting room floor for their album "You Can't Stay Here." Toys That Kill slayed it with five songs that were supposed to be part of an album of theirs, but since they are the best band in punk, Iron Chic asked them to split a 12" with them and they contributed the songs onto this fine piece of wax instead. Now available again on vinyl.

Track Listing:

1. Iron Chic - The Old Man Of Crete
2. Iron Chic - Kid Icarus
3. Iron Chic - North Central Positronics
4. Iron Chic - Amazing Fantasy
5. Toys That Kill - So Tuf
6. Toys That Kill - Cut Up Boy
7. Toys That Kill - Where Have All The Kids Gone
8. Toys That Kill - The Delegation
9. Toys That Kill - I Can Hear It Stop