New York City Hardcore - 1987 "Together" Compilation - Revelation Records #2

compilation : 7"
1st press : 600 black vinyl
400 orange vinyl
This is the "gold" vinyl press that everyone confuses with
the yellow press. A number of the orange vinyl copies come
with either a batman or a superman stamp on the inner dust
jacket. Two copies of orange black mix are known to exist.
2nd press : 300 (?) black vinyl
The 2nd press can be noted by its yellow rather than white
paper insert. Also it is the only press of Together I've
seen where the sleeve is in either two pieces or has the
fold at the top a la Side By Side and No For An Answer.
The split sleeve may not be intentional, and the 300 figure
may be incorrect, there is no longer an invoice for this
press unfortunately.
3rd press : 100 yellow vinyl
4th press : 100 (?) black vinyl
Sleeves are obvious photo copies of previous ones due to
the washing out of most of the pictures' detail. The
was made much smaller for this press. Chances are that
there are many more than 100, however there is no data to
verify one way or another.