Staticlone was formed by George Hirsch and Dave Walling of forward-thinking Philadelphia hardcore band Blacklisted, and Jeff Ziga of Affirmative Action Jackson and Armalite (No Idea Records), as Blacklisted was nearing their end. On "Better Living Through Static Vision," you can hear Hirsch, guitarist/bassist Walling, and Ziga channel everything from crust to metal and the hardcore punk they've all been steeped in for decades. In the sum of those parts, Staticlone follows the path of Disfear, Wolfbrigade, Inepsy, and other groups that combine D-beat ferocity with rock-'n'-roll riffs.
Track Listing:
1. Better Living Through Static Vision
2. Honeycomb
3. This Light Burns Like Poison
4. Sullen Me
5. Moths
6. Alone In Philadelphia
7. Patching Holes In A Dead Star
8. Thin Places
9. Lens Flare
10. Red Eye