20 Buck Spin


Terminal Nation "Echoes Of The Devil's Den"


Since releasing the first Terminal Nation album, "Holocene Extinction," in 2020, the USA's simmering divisions have only widened, factions hardened, compromise disintegrated. The band's incendiary new album, "Echoes Of The Devil's Den," epitomizes that boiling rage, once again appearing on the eve of a recurring nightmare election cycle of fossilized, 20th century relics. Forged in the fires of tribulation, Terminal Nation's "Echoes Of The Devil's Den" demolishes with the force of an erupting volcano, burning to ash the falsity of the age.

Track Listing:

1. Echoes Of The Devil's Den
2. Written By The Victor
3. The Spikes Under The Bridge
4. No Reform (New Age Slave Patrol)
5. Empire In Decay
6. Embers Of Humanity
7. Merchants Of Bloodshed
8. Bullet For A Stone
9. Dying Alive
10. Cemetery Of Imposters
11. Immolation (Of Mother Earth)
12. Release The Serpents