Bold "s/t" - Revelation Records #11

     s/t : 7"
	1st press : 3900 black vinyl
	            1000 orange vinyl
		      60 pink vinyl 
 		         orange/pink mixed vinyl
		    	 The color vinyl was suppose to be maroon, to match the 
			 cover, but the pressing plant couldn't mix the color 
			 properly and came up with pink.  After pressing a number
			 of the pink they stopped and tried remixing the color, this
			 time coming up with orange.  To make life easier Jordan 
			 just had them do the 1000 on orange so the mix was created
			 when changing from pink to orange without cleaning the 
			 presses.  The actual invoice states 60 on pink and makes no
			 mention of the mix, so how many of the pure pink versus how
			 many of the orange pink mix exist is not known, but it is 
			 safe to say that that there are more than 10 of the mix as
			 was originally believed.  What is more, did the mix of 
			 colors count as orange or pink on the invoice?  So are 
			 there 60 pure pink and a number of the mix color, or are 
			 there a even fewer pure pink and a large number of mixed?
			 To add insult to injury, the mix as been referred to as 
			 swirl when actually the pure pink, mix, and orange are all
			 technically swirls.  The only way to tell is by comparing 
			 colors. See
	2nd press :      black vinyl
		    	 Maroon sleeve.
	3rd press :      black vinyl
		    	 Maroon sleeve.
	4th press+:      black vinyl
		    	 Blue sleeve.	
     Looking Back : 12"
	1st press : 1010 black vinyl
		     206 purple vinyl
        Final press: 197 gray marble vinyl January 4, 2002